
About Me

Hello, I’m Kim Olsson, Founder & Managing Director of Positility. I created the company following both positive and negative experiences during my own fertility journey and experiences of others, in the hope the information and resources offered here can help others have as positive a journey as possible.

I’m born and raised in Yorkshire and have been lucky enough to live in France and the USA for university and work. I’ve always been passionate about learning and travelling, where I find I always learn so much, from other cultures to other languages. I’ve always been known as the ‘mum’ of the group, whether between friends or in a work environment. I like to help others and look after them and have always dreamed of being a mother myself.

After working in international retail for over 15 years, I have led teams and been part of teams experiencing many different human resource topics. I had varied experiences with support and understanding relating to women’s health and am keen to help improve experiences for women in any business in the future.

My Fertility Journey

My own fertility journey began in my mid-twenties following a holiday to Lanzarote. I experienced terrible stomach cramps the week after and my GP (General Practitioner) put it down to IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome). The following month the pains were as bad, if not worse, so I went back and saw a different GP. She was older with more experience and did a more thorough examination. She was the first doctor to tell me she suspected I may have Endometriosis. Her recommendation to help manage the pain was to have a baby! I was not in a position to want to do that and for some with Endometriosis it can be extra difficult to even get pregnant.


I’d never heard of Endometriosis before and this was at a time before the Internet was widely used (before it was common for people to have mobile phones or laptops too!) I don’t remember being given any information about the condition and was left to live with it.

Endometriosis is a condition affecting 1 in 10 women (*as assigned at birth) where cells similar to the ones in the lining of the womb grow elsewhere in the body. In recent years it has been found on every single organ of the body so it is not limited to solely being a reproductive disease! Every month (or as frequently as someone has a menstrual bleed), the blood cannot  escape from these other organs so builds up and can cause significant pain and negatively impact day to day life.


In my late twenties I was changed birth control in the hopes it would stop my periods and therefore the pain but it only continued to get worse. I would almost pass out in pain at work and on multiple occasions would have to go home from early. I remember being on holiday or day trips and having to stop walking and sit for a rest until the pain passed. I eventually got my first surgery in my early 30s after fighting the doctors not to put me in clinical menopause or wait another 3 months for them to be sure of the pattern of my symptoms. I had never been in hospital or had an operation before so I was incredibly scared. Thankfully they were able to treat the disease and my symptoms improved after the surgery.


However, it transpired the surgery I had was Ablation which only removes the superficial disease that is visible, it does not fully remove the disease. Therefore the relief was shortlived. Within 18 months I was in excruciating pain again. This time I was able to do my own research on the Internet and I found some useful books to buy to educate myself and enable me to advocate for myself. I found a specialist Endometriosis centre where I planned to push for Excision surgery, where the disease is cut out to give longer lasting results. I was so relieved meeting the doctor that he both believed how badly the condition was impacting my life and was happy that Excision surgery was the best solution and gold standard to treat it.


My second surgery found I had Stage IV Endometriosis, the worst grading possible, and that my left ovary and fallopian tube had been negatively impacted by the disease, although the doctor was confident my fertility should not be impacted.


By this time I was in my late 30s and married, wanting to start our own family. After 6 months of trying to conceive we were not successful so we consulted an IVF specialist at a local clinic. We began 6 months of testing which found my left tube did not function as it should and IVF was recommended based on this and my age. After a lot of confusion and frustration trying to secure NHS funding (which was rejected) we began private treatment in September 2021.


I had not researched the IVF process in depth and did not really know what to expect, trusting the medical staff at the clinic. I had a lot of frustrations from the medical staff and miscommunication but our treatment was successful, although sadly ended in a missed miscarriage at 8 weeks. We were both devastated.


It was around this time I discovered Instagram and the amazingly supportive community there! It is also where I discovered how other clinics operate differently and decided for me personally I needed a more in-depth approach with intensive monitoring, so we switched to a clinic in London. After 3 egg collections and two failed transfers, our miracle baby safely arrived Earthside in 2024.


Throughout my journey I struggled to find easy access to reliable information so I created this website to help others have one central resource to help them during their fertility journey. I also hope to help organisations become more fertility friendly and improve awareness to better recruit, retain and support the best employees for their business with my offer of professional services too.

I really hope something positive can come from my own journey and appreciate any feedback you may have to make this the best possible resource if you are on your own fertility journey.